April 18 is IRS Tax Deadline for 2022
The IRS has announced that instead of the traditional April 15 deadline, taxpayers will have until April 18, 2022, to file and pay their due income taxes, or to request an automatic 6-month extension.

After two years of tax seasons delayed due to the COVID pandemic, Americans will also be getting a few extra days to file their income taxes in 2022. This year, however, it has nothing to do with the pandemic.
The IRS has announced that instead of the traditional April 15 deadline, taxpayers will have until April 18, 2022, to file and pay their due income taxes, or to request an automatic 6-month extension. The reason for the delay this year is due to a holiday recognized in the nation's capital.
Emancipation Day is recognized on April 16 each year by the city of Washington, D.C. When the date falls on a Saturday, it is recognized on Friday, and city and federal offices close. When the day falls on a Sunday, the holiday is recognized on the Monday after. In 2022, April 16 falls on a Saturday, so IRS and other offices will be closed on Friday, April 15.
As a result, the federal deadline for reporting income tax will be April 18, 2022.
Emancipation Day has been recognized by D.C. since 2005, and recognizes President Abraham Lincoln's signing of the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act in 1862. The act set free 3,000 slaves in the capital.
April 19 Deadline for Maine and Massachusetts
While the rest of the nation's taxpayers will have to file by April 18, those in Maine and Massachusetts will have until April 19, because those states have a holiday on April 18: Patriots' Day. This holiday, recognized on the third Monday of April of each year, memorializes the initial battles of the Revolutionary War. The holiday is also recognized by other states, but does not necessarily impact tax filing deadlines.
W2s and 1099s Due by January 31
Another important deadline for business owners to remember is that forms W2 and 1099 must be filed by January 31, 2022.